How can we help?


General Info

How often are eyeglasses covered?

Colorado Medicaid will pay for new glasses at any time as long as they are “medically necessary”. So if your child needs glasses and doesn’t have any, they are covered. This includes when they are lost, broken, stolen or otherwise unavailable to them. If your child has recently had an exam and a new prescription was given, the glasses are also covered. There is no annual limit, but there must be valid medical necessity for the child to get new glasses.

Who can get eyeglasses with Colorado Medicaid?

Colorado Medicaid covers eyeglasses for members under the age of 21.

Are all the glasses here covered in full by Medicaid?

Yes! All of the eyeglasses you see on our website are covered in full. No copays or extra charges.

What size eyeglasses are best for my child?

Kids seem to like to choose larger glasses. Try to avoid this if possible. Well fitting glasses don’t slide down, or off, as much and should cause fewer problems with fit. When selecting eyeglasses on our website, start with the appropriate sizing by age. If your child is a little on the larger size for their age - maybe browse the next older age category. If your child is smaller than average for their age - try shopping in the next younger age category. Notice also that each size category overlaps slightly with the next older and younger category.

What if the prescription is expired?

Most eyeglass prescriptions will expire within 1-2 years. Some eye care providers will extend the eyeglass prescription for a short while after the original expiration. You’ll need to contact your eye doctor’s office to see if they’ll extend the prescription. Most doctors are
understanding and don’t want to leave a child without the glasses they need. But if the eyeglass prescription is expired - an eye exam ASAP is always a good idea.

Can I pick up glasses in store?

Yes! At checkout you'll be prompted to choose a location for pickup - or you can just have them mailed to your door.

Can I stop in a store for adjustments?

Yes! Many eyeglasses of the correct size don't need much adjusting to fit well. But you are always encouraged to come see us at any of our locations for fittings and adjustments. No charge!

Do you do bifocals?

Because of the importance of “hands on” bifocal fitting - we only accept orders for bifocal glasses in person at one of our Children’s Hospital locations.

Can I order glasses here if I don't have Medicaid?

Currently, our site only accepts Colorado Medicaid as payment. We plan to expand into other insurances and payment methods in the future. Stay tuned!

Shipping & Delivery

How much is shipping?

USPS 3-5 day shipping is free!

How long will it take to get my order?

Processing and manufacturing will take about 5-6 days. Higher prescriptions will take longer (10-14 days) as they require special lab work. Please know when the glasses are complete and pass our quality inspection process, they’ll be mailed out immediately.

Get in touch

Have questions about your order, or a general enquiry?